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Apprenticeship Contract France: What You Need to Know

In France, apprenticeships are a popular method of training young people for skilled jobs and trades. Apprenticeship contract France is a legal agreement between an employer and an apprentice, which lays out the terms and conditions under which the apprentice will receive training and work experience.

The French apprenticeship system is highly regulated, and there are strict rules regarding eligibility, duration, and pay. Let`s take a closer look at what you need to know about apprenticeship contracts in France.

Eligibility for Apprenticeships

To be eligible for an apprenticeship in France, you must be between 16 and 25 years old (or up to 30 years old if you have a disability), and have completed at least 9 years of education. You must also be a resident of France or hold a residence permit that allows you to work in the country.

Duration of Apprenticeships

Apprenticeships in France typically last from 1 to 3 years, depending on the skill or trade being learned. The duration of the apprenticeship is specified in the apprenticeship contract, and cannot be changed without the agreement of both parties.

During the apprenticeship, the apprentice will spend a certain amount of time in the classroom learning theory, and the rest of the time in the workplace gaining practical experience.

Pay for Apprenticeships

Apprentices in France are entitled to a salary, which is based on a percentage of the minimum wage. The exact percentage varies depending on the age of the apprentice and the stage of the apprenticeship.

For example, in 2021, a 16-year-old apprentice in their first year of training is entitled to 27% of the minimum wage, while a 25-year-old apprentice in their third year of training is entitled to 78% of the minimum wage.

The salary is paid by the employer, and the amount is specified in the apprenticeship contract. The employer may also be eligible for tax credits and other financial incentives for hiring apprentices.

Benefits of Apprenticeships

Apprenticeships in France offer a range of benefits for both the apprentice and the employer. For the apprentice, the training and work experience gained during the apprenticeship can lead to a rewarding and lucrative career.

For the employer, apprenticeships are a way to train new staff and develop the skills of existing employees, while also benefiting from tax credits and other financial incentives.


In conclusion, apprenticeship contract France is a legal agreement between an employer and an apprentice, which lays out the terms and conditions under which the apprentice will receive training and work experience. Eligibility for apprenticeships is based on age and education, while the duration and pay are specified in the contract. Apprenticeships offer a range of benefits for both the apprentice and the employer, making them a popular method of training in France.